Let’s put it in perspective. Have you realized that the second month of the year is gone? How can that be? Christmas and New Year’s Eve were like last week. That’s just to give you an idea of how difficult is to keep you updated as the days are fleeting. This reality makes me remember and ponder the advice “… teach us to number our days…”. So much has happened in the past six months that it makes sense to me to follow that warning.
This month, the whole MANI Continental Executive group is gathering to continue planning for the continental gathering in 2026. Surely you are aware that MANI stands for Movement for African National Initiatives. There are an enormous number of tasks to be taken care of up until March of that year. Together we are planning the selection of those who should be there, who will come as observers and visitors, who will be speakers, workshops, the logistics of it, the groundwork needed, and so on.
There are a myriad of details we all need to pay attention to. There has been a lot of progress made since we started this movement in Africa, but more needs to be perfected and re-arranged, and new leadership needs to be brought into the fold. There is so much to take care of. We need your prayers. We need wisdom. We need HIS guidance!