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Anne Frank

“No one has ever become poor by giving.”

Central to Christmas is the theme of giving and gratitude. God modeled it for us in his extravagant gift of sending Christ to show us the way to the Father and in making the way possible.  Reflecting on this got me thinking of the myriad number of ways people have given to us and the ministry in Zimbabwe this year.


Numerous pastors have been uplifted through the generosity of those individuals and churches who helped them become bi-vocational chicken farmers. Our local strategic ministry partners, Moss and Baboki Tshuma, who work with that initiative and are also involved in church planting, have been greatly assisted through financial gifts towards their needs. Pastor Emmanuel is powerfully sharing the Gospel in very difficult remote areas of Zimbabwe thanks to the truck he received. A grant from our home-sending congregation helped enable us to run a very successful 2-month in-community discipleship and leader formation program for 10 young adults. Others helped by sponsoring specific individuals. One of our college students is only still studying because of the financial help he has received to cover his fees. We receive much-needed supplements thanks to the generosity of the manufacturing company. We have been blessed by generous hospitality both in South Africa and the USA. Even our aging dog benefits from the gift of supplements from one of our donors.


Celebrating the gift of Jay’s father’s life on his 90th with our family


We want to personally thank each of you for your love and generosity to us. Some of you have been donors for over 25 years and in some cases very sacrificially. Many of you pray for us, some even daily. For every uplifting message and way in which you give, thank you.


“It is more blessed to give than to receive” Acts 20:35.


May our heavenly Father’s blessing rest upon your life this Christmas.

Jay & Sarah