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The Hard

Task of ... Chatting!

Believe it or not, we spend a lot of time chatting down here. Sometimes, we spend countless hours listening and chatting before making any kind of agreement, and only then can plans be written down. The past is still present, more than one may realize, in the minds of many who look at it and see the wrongs done among them in the name of the Gospel. Even today, there are those who come to Africa, and other places in the Global South, with promises and ‘chats’ that make many feel appalled and have a contempt towards those who have been working in the harvest for decades.

As we labor among the Portuguese in Africa, we listen to many disheartening stories from those whom we are partnering with. Some months ago, I had the chance to listen to some nationals and laborers, sharing their hearts about past experiences. It was sad, to say the least. I listened, encouraged, and prayed with and for them. It is humbling to realize that we don’t have solutions for most of those aches and pains. We don’t always come with a solution for those kinds of problems up our sleeves.


It has been like that since I first set foot in Southern Africa 33 years ago. One of the comments we often hear is that “the foreigners do not have time to listen to us because they always want to speak!” Another leader told me once, about another group, “oh, they don’t have time for us. Only if we find something for them to speak to us from the platform.” It seems that part of the solution is the same – ministry comes after relationship, after trust is built. To get there, lots of chatting, tea, coffee, and sitting-down-time-to-chat. Sadly, for some, that’s a difficult thing. For them, chatting means that one is doing nothing! But, yes, it pays spending time chatting!

As you pray for us in the days ahead, we are facing a tremendous amount of spiritual battle here. Pray for spiritual protection and boldness in how to communicate the truths of the Gospel. We are aware of our need for His strength and wisdom. Thank you for your partnership as we serve His people on this beautiful continent. Let’s celebrate Easter, remembering that He overthrew the grave! Let’s chat with many about this Great God who loved us paying the price in order that we can gain life! Eternity is at hand!

Let’s chat! Drop us a line! More to come!



Barbosa & Sinara