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WELCOME 2024...

We Are Still Dreaming!

A blessed New Year to you and yours!


The new year has barely started, and plans are already rolling. We continue to be committed to training and developing leaders across the continent, especially in the Portuguese-speaking countries of Africa. We have a full schedule for this year, whether visiting different countries, visiting and/or training leaders, developing those who are willing to be developed, mentoring young leaders, and becoming fully involved with the Movement for African National Initiatives.

Encouraging leaders towards collaboration.

Some may ask, “But, what is the bottom line here?” Well, if the main thing is to become the main thing, the main thing is people. Yes, our main material and goal is people. Many, maybe hundreds or thousands, coming to know the Lord. All of this can happen because some were developed and encouraged to continue to strive for excellence, to live a life that dares to challenge the ordinary, fighting towards the extraordinary which is the message of the Gospel changing individuals, neighborhoods, cities, and countries. It is people who are mindful of His calling to Himself and influencing others with the living Word, the living transforming message brought by the Gospel into their lives.


As you receive this letter, I have just arrived back in Johannesburg and am preparing materials to train some more researchers in Guinea Bissau. Before that, I should be part of a group that is planning a major gathering of African leaders in 2026, to celebrate what the Lord has done in Africa in the last 10 years and, together, to discern what the next step the Lord is calling us into in order that The Church in Africa will continue to be mobilized to spread the good news among those who are yet to be saved.

As you receive this letter, I have just arrived back in Johannesburg and am preparing materials to train some more researchers in Guinea Bissau. Before that, I should be part of a group that is planning a major gathering of African leaders in 2026, to celebrate what the Lord has done in Africa in the last 10 years and, together, to discern what the next step the Lord is calling us into in order that The Church in Africa will continue to be mobilized to spread the good news among those who are yet to be saved.


You can be actively participating in all of that. Pray! Pray for key leaders to be mobilized and be the leaders of such a great initiative. Pray for denominational leaders across the continent. May they be willing to cooperate and experience synergy in collaborating with other leaders within their countries. After all, eternity is at stake here. Pray for many parachurch organizations across the continent. May they be willing to collaborate with other like-minded enterprises to assist local churches, denominations, and leaders at all levels to multiply healthy churches across the continent. If you are not a member of one of our supporting churches and want to participate in giving, yes there is a need for that as well. Write me a note and we can interact on how you engage in such an investment that surely brings eternal dividends.

People, relationships, all for the expansion of His Kingdom.

Like in the days of Nehemiah, we are carrying on a great project. Let me know if you have any questions and we can interact on it. Lives matter and eternity is at hand. There are great needs to be met and you can be God’s channel to meet some of them. These are exceptional days and for sure this will be an exceptional year, as we labor together! May you experience His blessings in a new way this year.


Serving Him together, advancing the Kingdom in this amazing continent,


Barbosa and Sinara