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What, Why, When, How, Where, and Who

“I keep six honest serving men, they taught me all I knew: their names are What and Why and When and How and Where and Who.”

excerpt from a poem by Rudyard Kipling

On June 8, Jenny and teammate Barbara were invited to do a Sunday School Teacher Training near Soweto. The church had some specific requests, so we tailored our conference to suit their needs. We sourced some new material to share with the teachers about asking good open-ended questions to their students as well as emphasizing the need to give space for students to ask questions.

We practiced a fun exercise with the teachers using the what, why, when, how, where, and who of selected scriptures and they realized by understanding the answer to these questions, their own personal learning went deeper. They grasped the idea of how we can tell Bible stories, do drama, play games, and learn the Gospel message, and how helping children understand the reason and answers behind their questions can increase their level of learning.

Karl and our teammate, Christopher facilitated a two-day disciple-making multiplication training in Lilongwe, Ntcheu, and Blantyre, Malawi in May. We are grateful that leaders were receptive to the Biblical principles and eager to equip others to form evangelistic disciple-making groups among unchurched people in the region. Our new OC Africa ministry partner, Humphries assisted in the training and is committed to follow-up with those who are committed. We also met with key denominational and Bible school leaders during the trip who are also enthusiastic about collaborating together.

Family update:

  • Ann and Mark & Micaiah – so thankful that they live just 2-½ k’s from us and Jenny gets to babysit Micaiah two days a week. He just celebrated his 1st birthday!
  • Scott – enjoys living in Riverside, CA doing Electrical Engineering work. We’ll get to visit him for a couple of days in October.
  • Stephen and Dani – also thankful that they live 6 houses from us. They are working hard in IT and Marketing jobs. We got away with them and Dani’s folks to spend Father’s Day weekend away together.
  • John and Kirsty – both have their own businesses in Port Elizabeth. We get to see them a couple times a year when they are traveling through.

Prayer requests:

  • Please pray for Humphries and his regional leaders as they provide ongoing training and coaching of those who were trained toward the multiplication of disciple-making groups and new churches in unreached communities.
  • Please pray for the short-term team coming July from Midland, Texas to train Children’s Teachers in the rural town of Mhinga.

Praising the Lord for you,

Karl & Jenny