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“Unless the Church disciples the nation, the nation will disciple the Church.” Darrow Miller, Discipling Nations Alliance.

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Unless the Church disciples the nation, the nation will disciple the Church.” Darrow Miller, Discipling Nations Alliance.  A biblical worldview is critical for the Church to effectively influence our cultures in our generation.

For more information and workshops contact:   (Zimbabwe)


In partnership with 248 Ministries, we facilitate online GOD MOVEMENT training with teams to multiply disciple-making movements among unreached urban affinity groups. New leaders will be developed, and churches reproduced through growing disciple-making groups.

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The GOD MOVEMENT training begins with the INTRODUCTION TO GOD MOVEMENTS module focuses on discovering the basic principles of God movements and how to catalyze a Disciple-Making Movement in your community. The participants will learn how to:

  • Overcome the complex challenges of movement building in cities,
  • Multiply disciples and disciple makers,
  • Function as a city catalyst that builds and implements a city strategy,
  • Make a deep, lasting and transformative impact.

Each participant in the training will personally work through 5 short assignments a week (about 15-20 minutes a day). Then each participant will meet via Zoom for 60 minutes to debrief and discuss the learning as a large group and in team breakouts. The total time commitment for a team member doing the training is about 3 hours a week during the 6-weeks.


Upon completion, participants will be presented with the option to gather a team and continue in the Pioneer Team Journey. This training consists of eight 6-week modules presented once a quarter. The trainings are presented through the same personal daily worksheets and videos, culminating in weekly online 60-minute debrief and discussion sessions as a group and team breakouts.

The Pioneer Team Journey modules include:

  1. FOCUS – discovering my life calling and highest contribution,
  2. ENVISION – capturing and implementing a compelling vision,
  3. SURRENDER – becoming the leader that others want to imitate,
  4. ALIGN – building healthy teams and sustainable rhythms,
  5. ENGAGE – engaging the brokenness and lostness of the city,
  6. DISCIPLE – multiplying disciples and disciple makers,
  7. EMPOWER – walking and working in the power of the Holy Spirit,
  8. ESTABLISH – building sustainable movement structures.

For more information:

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Mission Shaped Movement exists to serve the Church in developing mission-shaped communities.

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The MSM has a four-fold strategy including:


TRAINING: Equipping stakeholders for discipleship and mission. This included 6 modules of six session each, from which you can select the sessions to use.

Mission Shaped Movement: Introduction
These six sessions are foundational to the rest and seeks to equip local church leaders to think and act missional in their context.

Mission Shaped Movement: Leadership

These six sessions enable teams to work through a nature and character of pioneering and missional leaders, including discernment of vision/call, engaging with culture, as well as dealing with failure and setbacks.

Mission Shaped Movement: Disciple-Making

These six sessions enable teams to know the purpose of faithful people and communities in disciple-making through intentional, accessible and repeated models for disciples who make disciple.

Mission Shaped Movement: Team Health

These six sessions enable teams to find ways for being in a healthy community together, prayerfully working with each other according to agreed roles and expectations, and by cultivating mission income streams, and succession planning.

Mission Shaped Movement: Start-ups

These Six sessions enable to a team to work through the discerned processes of starting something new, be it a new ministry or mission or even a fresh expression of church.

Mission Shaped Movement: Evangelism

These six sessions get to know God’s heart for the outsider’ and those on the fringe, with ways that open doors for sharing out faith in a variety of contexts.



Accompanying congregations and Church leaders in missional formation with trained and deployed trained coaches in most regions in Africa to be support missional leaders in our changing and challenging context with a transformational process.



Sharing the vision of missional church and disciple making movements through expanding our network of partnerships and journeying with our members. The team is available to envision and motivate church leaders on a variety of themes, including being a missional church, disciple-making, evangelism, starting new faith communities, and more.



Engaging congregations for missional transformation by coming alongside local churches, regional bodies and even denominational structures who want to do research and to engage with their communities more effectively.”


For more info contact:
Christopher at