How long have you been involved in Christian Ministry?
Karl and Jenny Teichert have been in Ministry for over 30 years. Karl was the Associate pastor and Church planter with Lake Hills Community Church in Castaic, California from 1990 to 1997. Karl and Jenny moved to Johannesburg, South Africa with their four children. Karl has served as the Southern Africa Regional Field Director for 17 years and Africa Area Director for 7 years.
Karl Teichert’s ministry focuses on disciple-making, church planting, leadership development, and coaching. He serves as Coordinator of the Evangelism/Church Planting Commission of the Evangelical Alliance of South Africa and coordinates the Church Planting Alliance of Southern Africa (CPA). Karl also coordinates the Southern Africa Chinese Outreach Network (SACON). He is a Professional Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation.
Karl’s vision is to see a healthy, disciple-making church established in every unreached village and community in Southern Africa and beyond. His strategy is to partner with key African church leaders to train, coach, and mobilize the body of Christ to complete the Great Commission. He has equipped and coached numerous African leaders to multiply disciple-making / church planting movements in Madagascar, Southern Africa and other nations around the world.
Karl facilitates online/in-person training in coaching, leadership development, church planting, disciple-making movements, and cross-cultural missions.
Jenny’s ministry involves training leaders in the community, Sunday School Teacher Training and Orphan care. Jenny also invests time in caring for the spiritual and basic needs of HIV/AIDS home-based caregivers with a focus on guiding them to change their habits and outlook, and consequently change the environment they find themselves in.
Jenny has a passion for facilitating Discovery Bible Studies with the home-based caregivers she works with. Seeing the transformation of their lives through the Word because of these sessions has been a rewarding experience. God is so faithful!